Submission Open for IJEER Volume-3, Number-10, October 2019 | Submission Deadline- 20 October, 2019

International Journal for Empirical Education and Research

Changes in Metabolic Processes during Break Dormancy in Apple Buds under Foliar-Applied Garlic Extract

Author: Mohamed A. Seif El-Yazal | Published on: 2018-04-30 15:12:01   Page: 36-57   687

The effect of garlic extract at different concentrations for reaching early break dormancy in buds of "Anna" apple (Malus sylvestris, Mill) trees and their effects on metabolic changes in the content of shoots from (water content %, total carbohydrates, total sugars, reducing sugars, anthocyanine, total free amino acids, free proline, total indoles and free phenoles) during their release from dormancy were investigated. The trees were grown in loamy sand soil, and sprayed with five treatments; 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% garlic extract. Generally, it was found that all studied flowering parameters; date of flower buds break, percentage of bud’s break, fruit set, total number of fruits/tree, yield/tree (kg) and seasonal changes in some chemical constituents of shoots; water content %, total carbohydrates, total sugars, reducing sugars, anthocyanine, total free amino acids, free proline and total indoles were increased with the application of different treatments. The best results were obtained from the treatments of garlic extract at 15 % flowed by 20 %. On the contrary, the same treatments decreased free phenols in shoots as compared to the control. It could be recommended to use garlic extract at the rate of 15 % for improving bud break, growth, yield and chemical constituents of apple shoots

Apple (Malus sylvestris, Mill); Dormancy; Garlic extract; Bud break; Flowering; Yield; Chemical constituents.

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Mohamed. A. (2018), Changes in Metabolic Processes during Break Dormancy in Apple Buds under Foliar-Applied Garlic Extract. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research, 2(9), 36-57.

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    Mohamed. A. (2018) "Changes in Metabolic Processes during Break Dormancy in Apple Buds under Foliar-Applied Garlic Extract", International Journal For Empirical Education and Research, 2(9), pp.36-57.

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    Mohamed. A.. Changes in Metabolic Processes during Break Dormancy in Apple Buds under Foliar-Applied Garlic Extract. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2018; 2(9): 36-57.

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    Mohamed. A.. Changes in Metabolic Processes during Break Dormancy in Apple Buds under Foliar-Applied Garlic Extract. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2018; 2(9): 36-57.

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    Mohamed. A.. Changes in Metabolic Processes during Break Dormancy in Apple Buds under Foliar-Applied Garlic Extract. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2018; 2(9): 36-57.

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    Author Details

    Mohamed A. Seif El-Yazal
    Botany Department
    Fayoum University