Submission Open for IJEER Volume-3, Number-10, October 2019 | Submission Deadline- 20 October, 2019

International Journal for Empirical Education and Research

Evolutions Including the Basic Laws of Philosopher Herbert Spencer and His Contributions to Develop the Study

Author: Kaliq Habib Abadi | Published on: 2019-04-30 21:45:03   Page: 66-75   443

The basis for Spencer's appeal to many of his generation was that he appeared to offer a ready-made system of belief which could substitute for conventional religious faith at a time when orthodox creeds were crumbling under the advances of modern science. Spencer's philosophical system seemed to demonstrate that it was possible to believe in the ultimate perfection of humanity on the basis of advanced scientific conceptions such as the first law of thermodynamics and biological evolution.Now, we will discuss about him and his contribution.

Synthetic, Law, Evolution, Emphasize

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Abadi, Kaliq. H. (2019), Evolutions Including the Basic Laws of Philosopher Herbert Spencer and His Contributions to Develop the Study. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research, 3(21), 66-75.

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    Abadi, Kaliq. H. (2019) "Evolutions Including the Basic Laws of Philosopher Herbert Spencer and His Contributions to Develop the Study", International Journal For Empirical Education and Research, 3(21), pp.66-75.

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    Abadi, Kaliq. H.. Evolutions Including the Basic Laws of Philosopher Herbert Spencer and His Contributions to Develop the Study. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2019; 3(21): 66-75.

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    Abadi, Kaliq. H.. Evolutions Including the Basic Laws of Philosopher Herbert Spencer and His Contributions to Develop the Study. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2019; 3(21): 66-75.

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    Abadi, Kaliq. H.. Evolutions Including the Basic Laws of Philosopher Herbert Spencer and His Contributions to Develop the Study. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2019; 3(21): 66-75.

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  • Reference

    1. v1 Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer by David Duncan (1908)
    2. v2 Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer by David Duncan (1908)
    3. Principles of Ethics, in two volumes
    4. Illustrations of Universal Progress: A Series of Discussions (1864, 1883)

    [This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).]

    Author Details

    Kaliq Habib Abadi
    Department of Philosophy
    Bilkent University