Submission Open for IJEER Volume-3, Number-10, October 2019 | Submission Deadline- 20 October, 2019

International Journal for Empirical Education and Research

Analysis of Thoughts & Criticisms of Contemporary Muslim Philosophers in Different Periods

Author: Ulfah Wahidah Kattan | Published on: 2019-04-30 21:39:46   Page: 19-32   469

Muslim or Islamic philosophy is based on Islam religion. There are logical relations between the discussions, Islamic philosophy had a major impact in Christian Europe, where translation of Arabic philosophical texts into Latin "led to the transformation of almost all philosophical disciplines in the medieval Latin world", with a particularly strong influence of Muslim philosophers being felt in natural philosophy, psychology and metaphysics.

Muslim Philosophy; Thoughts; Contribution; Criticism.

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Kattan, Ulfah. W. (2019), Analysis of Thoughts & Criticisms of Contemporary Muslim Philosophers in Different Periods. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research, 3(21), 19-32.

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    Kattan, Ulfah. W. (2019) "Analysis of Thoughts & Criticisms of Contemporary Muslim Philosophers in Different Periods", International Journal For Empirical Education and Research, 3(21), pp.19-32.

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    Kattan, Ulfah. W.. Analysis of Thoughts & Criticisms of Contemporary Muslim Philosophers in Different Periods. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2019; 3(21): 19-32.

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    Kattan, Ulfah. W.. Analysis of Thoughts & Criticisms of Contemporary Muslim Philosophers in Different Periods. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2019; 3(21): 19-32.

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    Kattan, Ulfah. W.. Analysis of Thoughts & Criticisms of Contemporary Muslim Philosophers in Different Periods. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2019; 3(21): 19-32.

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  • Reference

    1. Maribel Fierro, "Heresy in al-Andalus." Taken from the Legacy of Muslim Spain, pg. 905. Ed. Salma Jayyusi. Leiden: Brill Publishers, 1994.
    2. Majid Fakhry, "Celebrating Ibn Rushd's Eight-Hundredth Anniversary," Archived 28 September 2013 at the Wayback Machine pg. 168. The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, vol. 15, iss. 2, pgs. 167–169. Conference report.

    [This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).]

    Author Details

    Ulfah Wahidah Kattan
    College of Arts & Sciences
    American University of Sharjah