Submission Open for IJEER Volume-3, Number-10, October 2019 | Submission Deadline- 20 October, 2019

International Journal for Empirical Education and Research

A Details of Sociology and its Relation to Human Society

Author: Maajida Al Baig | Published on: 2018-05-31 23:15:08   Page: 53-60   572

Abstract Sociology referring social science is in important course for study. In this article we will discuss about some introductory topics. We will learn some terms of sociology. Thus we will discuss about basic elements of sociology.

Subject, Types, Control, Stratification

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Baig, M., A. (2018), A Details of Sociology and its Relation to Human Society. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research, 2(10), 53-60.

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    Baig, M., A. (2018) "A Details of Sociology and its Relation to Human Society", International Journal For Empirical Education and Research, 2(10), pp.53-60.

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    Baig, M., A.. A Details of Sociology and its Relation to Human Society. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2018; 2(10): 53-60.

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    Baig, M., A.. A Details of Sociology and its Relation to Human Society. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2018; 2(10): 53-60.

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    Baig, M., A.. A Details of Sociology and its Relation to Human Society. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2018; 2(10): 53-60.

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  • Reference


    <!-- [if !supportLists]-->1.     <!--[endif]-->sociology. (n.d.). The American Heritage Science Dictionary. Retrieved 13 July 2013, from website:

    <!-- [if !supportLists]-->2.     <!--[endif]-->^ "Sociology: A 21st Century Major" (PDF). American Sociological Association. Retrieved 19 July 2017 – via

    <!-- [if !supportLists]-->3.     <!--[endif]-->^ "An Introduction to Sociology".

    <!-- [if !supportLists]-->4.     <!--[endif]-->^ Ashley D, Orenstein DM (2005). Sociological theory: Classical statements (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education. pp. 3–5, 32–36.

    <!-- [if !supportLists]-->5.     <!--[endif]-->^ Ashley D, Orenstein DM (2005). Sociological theory: Classical statements (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education. pp. 3–5, 38–40.

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    [This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).]

    Author Details

    Maajida Al Baig
    Department of Social Science
    University of Bahrain