Submission Open for IJEER Volume-3, Number-10, October 2019 | Submission Deadline- 20 October, 2019

International Journal for Empirical Education and Research

The Way to Understand Teaching and Attitudes of Teachers and Learners

Author: Christiana Hagenes | Published on: 2018-08-31 20:56:15   Page: 22-30   372

Provide proper pre-preparation and planning on the subject by taking lessons. Find out student experiences and apply them in the classroom. Always encourage commentary about the work of the students, recognition of their work and rewarding them. Visiting students from the same perspective. Use techniques to ensure equal participation of students in the class. Particular attention is given to the students of the backward classes. Encourage the students to work in pairs. Treat the students with sympathy.

Attitude; Students; Teachers; Limitation; Teaching.

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Hagenes, C. (2018), The Way to Understand Teaching and Attitudes of Teachers and Learners. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research, 2(13), 22-30.

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    Hagenes, C. (2018) "The Way to Understand Teaching and Attitudes of Teachers and Learners", International Journal For Empirical Education and Research, 2(13), pp.22-30.

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    Hagenes, C.. The Way to Understand Teaching and Attitudes of Teachers and Learners. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2018; 2(13): 22-30.

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    Hagenes, C.. The Way to Understand Teaching and Attitudes of Teachers and Learners. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2018; 2(13): 22-30.

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    Hagenes, C.. The Way to Understand Teaching and Attitudes of Teachers and Learners. International Journal For Empirical Education and Research. 2018; 2(13): 22-30.

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    Author Details

    Christiana Hagenes
    Department of Education
    Singapore Institute of Technology