International Journal of Tax Economics and Management

A Review of International Trade Law

Author: Md. Ashiquzzaman | Published on: 31 December, 2018   Page: 45-69

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International trade law refers to the import and export of goods and other things between the two countries. For international trade, it is a very important matter in the business sector to know and observe international trade law in details. In this article we will discuss international trade and international trade law. Which is a very important issue in international trade. The aim of this article was to try to discuss all of the international trade issues. This is just a general review of the different aspects of international trade. There can be different laws or customs for a country or a government about international trade that are not discussed here.

International Trade; International Trade Law; WTO; GATT; Public Trade; Private Trade.

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Ashiquzzaman, M. (2018), A Review of International Trade Law. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 1(2), 45-69.

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    Ashiquzzaman, M. (2018) "A Review of International Trade Law", International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 1(2), pp.45-69.

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    Ashiquzzaman, M.. A Review of International Trade Law. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2018; 1(2): 45-69.

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    Ashiquzzaman, M.. A Review of International Trade Law. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2018; 1(2): 45-69.

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    Ashiquzzaman, M.. A Review of International Trade Law. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2018; 1(2): 45-69.

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  • Reference

    1. Michelle Sanson-Essential International Trade Law (Australian Essentials) (2002)
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    6. ATT Digital Library 1947 – 1994 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
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    [This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).]

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    Author Details

    Md. Ashiquzzaman
    Department of Law
    Southeast University