International Journal of Tax Economics and Management

Different Periods on Balance of International Payment

Author: Puti Genta Nuraini Intan Yulianti | Published on: 28 February, 2019   Page: 1-18

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The balance of payments, also known as balance of international payments and abbreviated B.O.P. or BOP, of a country is the record of all economic transactions between the residents of the country and the rest of the world in a particular period of time (over a quarter of a year or more commonly over a year). The balance of payments is a summary of all monetary transactions between a country and rest of the world. These transactions are made by individuals, firms and government bodies. Thus the balance of payments includes all external visible and non-visible transactions of a country. It is an important issue to be studied, especially in international financial management field, for a few reasons.

Balance; Payment; Periodic History; Imbalances; BOP Crisis.

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Nuraini, P., G., Yulianti, I. (2019), Different Periods on Balance of International Payment. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 2(6), 1-18.

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    Nuraini, P., G., Yulianti, I. (2019) "Different Periods on Balance of International Payment", International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 2(6), pp.1-18.

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    Nuraini, P., G., Yulianti, I.. Different Periods on Balance of International Payment. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(6): 1-18.

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    Nuraini, P., G., Yulianti, I.. Different Periods on Balance of International Payment. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(6): 1-18.

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    Nuraini, P., G., Yulianti, I.. Different Periods on Balance of International Payment. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(6): 1-18.

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  • Reference

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    Author Details

    Puti Genta Nuraini
    Department of Business Environment Economics and Entrepreneurships
    Trisakti University

    Intan Yulianti
    Department of Business Environment Economics and Entrepreneurships
    Trisakti University