International Journal of Tax Economics and Management

Importance of Natural Resources Management in Economics

Author: Song Ku Ph.D. | Published on: 31 May, 2019   Page: 39-49

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We know about many natural resources. They are varied by nature. The differences of natural resources depend on geography of a territory. In this article, I will present the nature of natural resources. Here different types of natural resources will be presented. Besides, many kinds of terms related this course will be presented. This article is a complete overview of the relation between economics and natural resources.

Importance; Classification; Rules; Resources; Issue.

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Ku, S. (2019), Importance of Natural Resources Management in Economics. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 2(9), 39-49.

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    Ku, S. (2019) "Importance of Natural Resources Management in Economics", International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 2(9), pp.39-49.

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    Ku, S.. Importance of Natural Resources Management in Economics. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(9): 39-49.

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    Ku, S.. Importance of Natural Resources Management in Economics. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(9): 39-49.

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    Ku, S.. Importance of Natural Resources Management in Economics. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(9): 39-49.

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  • Reference

    1. Hite, J.C., & W. D. Mulkey.  Natural Resource Economics: An Introductory Textbook, draft unpublished text.
    2. Johnston, G.M., D. Freshwater & P. Favero (editors).  Natural Resource and Environmental Policy Analysis: Cases in Applied Economics, Westview Press, Boulder, 1988.
    3. Hartwick, John M. (1977). "Intergenerational Equity and the Investment of Rents from Exhaustible Resources". American Economic Review. 
    4. Kahn, James, The Economic Approach to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics,  Third Edition, Thompson South-Western, 2005

    [This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).]

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    Author Details

    Song Ku Ph.D.
    Faculty of Economics
    Fudan University