International Journal of Tax Economics and Management

Economists and their Ideas about Population and Economic Development

Author: Jacek Wozniak | Published on: 31 March, 2019   Page: 32-42

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Here I will discuss about many spheres about population economics. Here there will be presented description about demography and its nature. Many components of population change will be presented. Ways of population and development will be discussed. Many theories related this topics I will present here. Many upholders with their theory here I will present. It can be considered as complete whole of a discussion of a topic.

Economics; Population; Economists Ideas; Development

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Wozniak, J. (2019), Economists and their Ideas about Population and Economic Development. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 2(7), 32-42.

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    Wozniak, J. (2019) "Economists and their Ideas about Population and Economic Development", International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 2(7), pp.32-42.

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    Wozniak, J.. Economists and their Ideas about Population and Economic Development. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(7): 32-42.

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    Wozniak, J.. Economists and their Ideas about Population and Economic Development. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(7): 32-42.

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    Wozniak, J.. Economists and their Ideas about Population and Economic Development. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(7): 32-42.

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  • Reference

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    3. Burch, T. 1999. “Computer Modelling of Theory: Explanation for the 21st
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    8. Lucas, D. and others, (1980). Beginning Population Studies, Australian National University, Canberra.

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    Author Details

    Jacek Wozniak
    Faculty of Economics
    University of Economics and Innovation