International Journal of Tax Economics and Management

Economics and Poverty: An Elaborate Discussion

Author: Chung Lu | Published on: 30 April, 2019   Page: 21-32

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Through this article, I will discuss about some natures of poverty. I am intend to explain my opinion to the measurement of poverty. There are some spheres of removing or eradicating the poverty. Poverty is defined in many ways according to many sources. There are some common characteristics of poverty. On the other hand, the nature of poverty varies in different countries. There are some proposals will be discussed to remove the poverty.

Poverty; Character; Causes; Reduce; Impact.

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Lu, C. (2019), Economics and Poverty: An Elaborate Discussion. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 2(8), 21-32.

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    Lu, C. (2019) "Economics and Poverty: An Elaborate Discussion", International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 2(8), pp.21-32.

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    Lu, C.. Economics and Poverty: An Elaborate Discussion. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(8): 21-32.

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    Lu, C.. Economics and Poverty: An Elaborate Discussion. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(8): 21-32.

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    Lu, C.. Economics and Poverty: An Elaborate Discussion. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(8): 21-32.

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  • Reference

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    Author Details

    Chung Lu
    Department of Economics
    Wuhan University