International Journal of Tax Economics and Management

Introductory Discussion on Microeconomics

Author: You Peng | Published on: 30 April, 2019   Page: 43-53

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Here, the article will describe the definition of various types of microeconomics. The usefulness of economics are described here. And then the microeconomics’ nature has been described. Besides, microeconomic terms and their descriptions are presented in this article. How the microeconomics are related to the practical life that will be described. The important term production possibility cost with examples are explained here. Explicit ideas about microeconomics you will get here.

Microeconomics; Ideas; Scope; Agents; PPC.

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Peng, Y. (2019), Introductory Discussion on Microeconomics. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 2(8), 43-53.

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    Peng, Y. (2019) "Introductory Discussion on Microeconomics", International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 2(8), pp.43-53.

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    Peng, Y.. Introductory Discussion on Microeconomics. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(8): 43-53.

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    Peng, Y.. Introductory Discussion on Microeconomics. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(8): 43-53.

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    Peng, Y.. Introductory Discussion on Microeconomics. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management. 2019; 2(8): 43-53.

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  • Reference

    1. Bade, Robin; Michael Parkin (2001). Foundations of Microeconomics. Addison Wesley Paperback 1st Edition.
    2. Microeconomics: Principles, Problems, & Policies (McGraw-Hill Series in Economics) by Campbell McConell, Stanley Brue, and Sean Flynn,1st Edition
    3. Editors, (August 17, 2016). "Adam Smith". A&E Television Networks.
    4. Bouman, John: Principles of Microeconomics free fully comprehensive Principles of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics texts. Columbia, Maryland, 2011
    5. Colander, David. Microeconomics. McGraw-Hill Paperback, 7th Edition: 2008.

    [This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).]

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    Author Details

    You Peng
    Department of Economics
    Peking University