Submission Open for IJEER Volume-3, Number-10, October 2019 | Submission Deadline- 20 October, 2019

International Journal for Empirical Education and Research

All Articles

IJEER 2/12

Idea of Teaching and Learning Environment

Miroslav Beneš Ph.D.   Page 1-13 481

This is an article containing a modern topic related importantly education. Teaching and learning ae most important part of educational process. In this article, I will try to represent many ideas related the headline topic. The educational purpose is related to many thing as like many kinds of skills, child behavior and many other things. This important discussion will make you wise about this course of education.

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IJEER 2/12

Child and Their Development

Rebecca Agnew    Page 14-26 434

We know that what is life. Being child is a period of life circle. If you want to know that what about child, then the term development comes automatically. Chide development is an important matter. There many problems become while developing a child.

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IJEER 2/12

Physical Education and Its Practical Implementation

Tomáš Chmela? Ph.D.   Page 27-39 521

We may have primary knowledge about physical knowledge. But the basically I will try to describe brightly the nature of physical education. We will also discuss here the importance of physical education. The historical base of physical education I will discuss here also. This is an article containing some important phases of physical education.

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