Submission Open for IJEER Volume-3, Number-10, October 2019 | Submission Deadline- 20 October, 2019

International Journal for Empirical Education and Research

All Articles


Development of Values in Education

Dario Hrvat    Page 1-11 579

Developing values in education is a very important issue. Content, teachers' attitudes, teaching environment, these components have special structure and influence of students. A student's school will build its values on the belief that it will gain. A person who values positive attributes is a qualified teacher. Because of his values and Philosophy, he can influence the students.

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Administrations of Legal History in British Periods

Muneer Najid Toma    Page 12-22 452

The Law School is home to one of the world’s great programs in the study of legal history. The history of law offers indispensable insights into the character of our legal systems. Historical materials appear throughout the Law School’s curriculum with specialized courses addressing topics in the history of legal systems around the world. .

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Theory & Analysis of Contemporary Political Philosophy

Mahbub Rafiq Totah    Page 23-36 390

Here we will discuss about many viewpoints of modern political philosophy. Many modern political philosophers of modern time will be discussed here. Here some philosophers are also economists, scholars and so on. Here the history of political philosophy will be discussed. The origin of this period and long silence of the history are described.

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Convention & National Politics for the Protection of Marine Environment

Anonto Shikder    Page 37-53 391

International law relevant to the protection and preservation of the marine environment is well-developed. An appendix to this paper provides summary information on its main components. The basic rules on States' rights and obligations have been established and are generally accepted, and special regimes specific to certain sources of pollution, with the notable exception of land-based sources—the main source of marine degradation—have been operational for some time. Some future developments will be specific to the marine environment, where the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea provides the necessary framework; others reside with the progressive development of international environmental law generally; yet others will depend on a reorientation of international policies, particularly in the economic domain. .

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Vilfredo Pareto Philosophical Theory, Action & Residue with its Classification

Mamduh Kahil Sabbag    Page 54-66 503

Vilfredo Pareto summarized his aim in writing his major sociological work, “The treatise on General Sociology. ” His ambition was to construct a system of sociology analogous in its essential features of the generalized physicochemical system. The treatise attempts to study only non-rational aspects of action. Now we will discuss about his views. .

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