Submission Open for IJEER Volume-3, Number-10, October 2019 | Submission Deadline- 20 October, 2019

International Journal for Empirical Education and Research

All Articles


Fair Income Distribution in Islamic Economics: Wealth Taxes in Turkey in Theory and in Practice

Ahmet AK ; Abdullah Burhan BAHÇE ; Öner GÜMÜS    Page 11-21 604

Islamic economy holds various features in its body. It is possible that one of the most important features is to provide a fair income distribution. Income distribution has a capacity to create indignation in society when income distribution is not formed as fair. Hence, income is not distributed as fair generally in primary income distribution. The government has to interfere in market to provide justice in secondary income distribution.

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Terrorist Attacks in Europe and Options of Terrorism Prevention

JUDr. Milos Deset Ph.D.   Page 22-31 448

The terrorism can be considered as the political or security problem, but it is also the kind of crime, although it is very specific crime. However, considering it as the crime, we can also think about it in the connection with criminological categories as the prevention, for example. When we look at latest terrorist attacks, we can name their several common features. For example, tools, which were used for commitment of these crime, were very simple, because perpetrators attacked by firearms, stabbing weapons or vehicles. That means that perpetrators cannot have more sophisticated skills to commit terrorist attacks by these tools.

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Similarity Concept in Theory Lecturing: Application to Transportation Studies

Jaan Hui Pu    Page 32-40 497

In this paper, a similarity concept is proposed to improve student understanding on difficult and complicated engineering theory. The planned application of this approach is for the Transportation Studies module (CSE6004-A) at School of Engineering, University of Bradford, United Kingdom. In the module, noise induced by road transport and vehicles are taught in depth, where the proposed teaching method will be applied to aid student understanding on the numerical concept of the vibration effect and noise on vehicle braking system. As part of the module planning, the full numerical solution of brake judder/vibration effect, which includes shaking (forced vibration) and nibbling (torsional vibration) effects will be introduced to students where similarity concept will be adapted in its teaching. The successfully applied concept will also be able to utilize by other engineering teaching and modules.

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An Elaboration of the Administrative Theory of the 14 Principles of Management by Henri Fayol

Raymond Edwards    Page 41-52 5055

Fayolism was a theory of management that analyzed and synthesized the role of management in organizations, developed around 1900 by the French management theorist Henri Fayol (1841–1925). It was through Fayol's work as a philosopher of administration that he contributed most widely to the theory and practice of organizational management. Fayol developed theory of management. According to him managerial excellence is a technically ability and can be acquired. He developed theories and principles of management which are universally accepted and make him universalistic.

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Sonochemical Degradation of Phenol and Para-Chlorophenol in an Ultrasonic bath in the Presence of Inorganic Salts and H2O2

Md. Helal Uddin ; Md. Jahangir Hossain ; Md. Shaharul Islam    Page 53-63 561

Phenol (Ph) and some of its derivatives such as para chloro-phenol (PCP) have received considerable attention from environmental scientists and engineers, due to their undesirable effects in the water environment, where they end up as a result of improper disposal methods. As a consequence, research has been conducted all around the world with the common goal of reducing their concentrations to allowable limits or converting them to non-toxic, non-hazardous forms that may easily be handled by natural decay processes. This report describes a system developed to degrade these substances using sonochemical reactions. Sonochemical degradation of phenolic compounds were carried out in the presence and absence of NaCl, Na2SO4, Na2CO3, NaNO3 and H2O2. In sonochemical degradation of phenol in sonicatior hight degradation rate was obtained in the presence of additives H2O2 and followed the order: Ph+H2O2 > Ph+Na2SO4 ? Ph+NaCl > Ph (0 mM salt & additive) ? Ph+NaNO3 > Ph+Na2CO3.

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Corruption – Development of Criminal Matter in Slovakia, Criminal Liability of the Government Entities and Legal Persons

Adrián Jalc Ph.D.   Page 64-82 444

In the countries from central Europe we can find corruption not only on high level but also in low level called "less serious corruption". However, this corruption is spread in all parts of the society. It causes that almost all citizens of these regions have already had experiences with concrete and not official, but essential payments in diverse fields, for instances: in health services, educational system etc. Next problem is that the fight against corruption is very difficult because many employees of police, justice and plaintiff who would have to take the responsibility of corruption are often people who are the most influenced by it. Considering the weight of this circumstances we can say about necessity of restructualization in the state for the purpose of more effective fight against the corruption.

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Militarization - Is it a Threat to the National Security of Bangladesh?

Kaniz Subarna    Page 83-92 470

Militarization defines as the method by which a state increases its military capacity to defend itself against any kind of violence and war. This note discusses the full and complete concept about militarization with today’s Bangladesh. Militarization can be a threat or not to the national security of Bangladesh, this study shows and describes it well. .

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Inclusive Curriculum Design: Application to Open Channel Hydraulics Module

Jaan Hui Pu    Page 1-10 485

This study investigates an inclusive curriculum design based on student-centred approach. This proposed design approach has been applied to Open Channel Hydraulics module (CSE6008-A) at School of Engineering, University of Bradford, United Kingdom. This paper will introduce in step-by-step manner the full curriculum design and how the student-centred approach is being adapted in each step of the design. The required criteria will be designed based on learning outcomes design, curriculum organization, assessment strategies and student achievement evaluation. Besides, a key discussion will also be allocated for the inclusive practice that allows the vastly diverse student group to benefit from this approach, and a separate section will also be utilized to fully discuss this inclusive approach in the proposed curriculum design.

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